Tips for Competency Building through Digital Learning
Improving our quality and competence is a must. In the era of Industry Revolution 4.0, like it or not, we must make efforts to develop the best potential within us. Technological developments make it easier for us to develop our potential through Digital Learning.
We need to understand clearly that “Digital Learning” is not the same as “E-Learning”.
Digital Learning refers to a way of learning that uses or utilizes all the tools at that time. But unfortunately, some people are not aware that the tools available around them can be used in digital learning.
Everything that is done with a clear and good purpose, will have a positive impact on us. The same goes for using technology. If we have the right goal, specifically to develop the best potential within ourselves, then the investment we make in terms of time and energy will not be in vain.
Here are some three tips that you need to pay attention to and do in doing digital learning:
1. Find and save what is relatable and relevant
This is important to do because looking for something that is relatable and relevant means that we know very well what competencies we want to develop and what we choose to learn is right on target.
2. Find references
In looking for references, we can look for recommendations from other people as well as credible and useful sources to develop our competence.
3. We must know how the content is delivered
Good content delivery is delivery that pays attention to the 3V, namely visual, voice, and verbal.
In the context of applications and other digital learning media, it is also important to pay attention to whether the application or media implements the Equip, Action, Review, and Performance Monitoring (EARM model) in their system. We must know that digital learning also needs help from other people who can review and give feedback on what we learn.
Visit our podcast section to hear a deeper and more detailed explanation on the topic “Tips for Competency Building through Digital Learning” by Daniel V. Lie, President/Global Chief Executive of digima ASIA collaborating with SmartFM Radio on the Smart DigiTalk program.
Daniel V. Lie
President/Global Chief Executive
Daniel is a very prominent figure in Indonesia's digital learning sector.