Digital PPKM

In order to reduce the number of additional positive cases of COVID-19, the Indonesian government has established a “PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat) Mikro Darurat” starting from 3 to 20 July 2021. The policy is implemented in Java and Bali and limits the activities of the majority of Indonesians, which are done outside. However, did you know that “Digital PPKM” exists and is no less important?

In the COVID-19 Pandemic, which is expected to be the last wave, it is easier for people to panic because of information that spreads too quickly. Often, this panic that makes us tend to be carried away by the information that cannot be justified or is not clear yet.

Here in the digital context, PPKM stands for “Pintar Pintar Kita Memilih” which means we have to be smart in choosing which content is useful to improve our quality of life and which is not. Our habit of directly passing on information without us understanding it properly and knowing the truth over time will make the content ‘stale’ and considered lightweight.

The value of content can be lost if we, as the successor of the information in the content, do not really understand and just pass it on to other people. But when we understand, we put full responsibility on the information that we share and the value of the content will not be lost.

We need to choose healthy nutritions, both for our body and soul, as well as mind. We cannot stop those who produce content that is not healthy for our minds. However, we can choose which content is healthy and needs to be continued or which we have to break the chain of distribution.

Therefore, we need to have emotional intelligence that is also supported by digital intelligence so that we can determine which ones are good and which ones should not be ‘consumed’ by ourselves or disseminated to others.

Then, are there any special tips so that we can be smarter in choosing content? Visit our podcast section to hear a deeper and more detailed explanation on the topic “PPKM Digital” by Daniel V. Lie, President/Global Chief Executive of digima ASIA collaborating with SmartFM Radio on the Smart DigiTalk program.


Daniel V. Lie
President/Global Chief Executive

Daniel is a very prominent figure in Indonesia's digital learning sector.

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