Adaptive or Die
The age of Industry 4.0 brought so many changes. Especially in this pandemic COVID-19 situation, we seem to be forced to accelerate the implementation of technology in various fields. Unfortunately, this fast and many changes also bring a negative impact on people who cannot adapt quickly.
People who can adapt to any changes are those who, in the context of technology, realize and accept that the presence of technology will be ‘a friend’ we need to embrace. That way, technology can help them to process automation or speed up every process that must be passed.
Adaptation is a human trait that identifies us as living beings. The decision to do adaptation is based on a strong desire to achieve the goals we have set. Adapt processes that involve trial and error so that the results are not always successful.
Indonesia is a country that is experiencing a “Demographic Bonus”. This can be a bonus when this generation prepares and is prepared to be mentally, spiritually, and technologically ready to utilize technology for progress. However, the reality is most of us are being used or utilized by technology itself.
When we have accepted every change and we start to adapt, there is a process of creativity and innovation in it. The more difficult the challenges we face, the more we are indirectly forced to think that involves creativity in finding solutions.
Many changes have both positive and negative sides. When we look at the positive side, then that’s where we can adapt which involves creativity and innovation. Every adaptation process also requires sacrifice to be able to achieve clear goals and of course to become better.
So, are there any tips to be able to successfully go through the adaptation process to survive in this era where we are facing many changes? Visit our podcast section to hear a more detailed explanation on the topic “Adaptive or Die” by Daniel V. Lie, President/Global Chief Executive of digima ASIA collaborating with SmartFM Radio on the Smart DigiTalk program.
Daniel V. Lie
President/Global Chief Executive
Daniel is a very prominent figure in Indonesia's digital learning sector.