Don’t Collect Dots, It’s Time to Connect Them
The phrase “connecting the dots” comes from Steve Jobs, in his 2005 remarkable speech. According to him, we can’t connect the dots looking forward, but we only can connect them looking backwards. He once said that we should have to truly believe that in the future of uncertain worlds and challenges, we will reap what we sow.
Dots, as it is said by Steve Jobs, are a journey to a successful phase. Don’t just live up to the journey, we have to be able to connect the pattern along the way. We never know what kind of our successful story will be, but sure we can learn from the previous experience in achieving the most-wanted future life.
Within the organization fields, we also need to connect the dots. The “organizational dots” will assist us to the successful projects that have been planned before.
So, as the leaders or team members, how to optimize the dots that can be seen to help us to grow?
Have the courage to face the unsettling circumstances
Despite difficulties, one thing you should do is be courageous. When the uncertain world consists of many challenges and unsettled things, it is time to be more courageous.
Make the obvious plans and actions
Considering dots as pieces of plans, associating them one by one is a must. Prepare the well-planned beforehand. Not only leaders who should look forward plans clearly—so other members do.
Reinvolve the team members in every projects
What truly motivates your members? What kind of ideas do you want to share with others? Don’t hesitate to share your success stories and encouragements to lead growth. Hold a monthly or even weekly sharing stories session, rotating it between your team members.
Experience the challenges of change
A world fulfilled by uncertainty needs the-popped-up-ideas which usually comes from thorough members. So, rather than find out the solutions on your own, reinvolve your teams!
Chase up the “serendipity”
People know serendipity as events that come unpredictable and unexpected. But, according to Christian Busch, the writer of The Serendipity Mindset, if we look deeper into serendipity, something meaningful about to come. This also allows leaders to see patterns the most into unpredictable events.
Continuing what Busch stated above, connecting the dots in an uncertain world also has related to serendipity. Not the meaningless serendipity, but the one which will require us to follow unexpected discoveries. Leaders should follow serendipity and other Learning Innovation in order to connect the dots or challenges in the future.
Daniel V. Lie
President/Global Chief Executive
Daniel is a very prominent figure in Indonesia's digital learning sector.