Tips for Implementing Impactful Learning Organization

digimers, how does L&D response to the digital and technology era to develop their employees through learning program?

In collaborating with CIMB Niaga as one of the most-trusted bank in Indonesia, digima ASIA is here to help you developing your organizaton learning. We are honoured to had an online sharing session, with Nora Joice Kimbal as main speaker and Head of Learning & Development. This sharing entitled “Modern Learners, Experience in Learning” which held on Friday, August 28 2020.

According to Nora, there are five tips we could do to boost L&D organization.
-Listening to the voice of learners
-Having a highly-sensitive in business
-Being a pro-active and fast-response to business needs
-Exploring new ways of learning
-Prioritizing customer experience to assist L&D programs

Futhermore, those tips could bring new learning strategies and be a breakthrough to your organization.

“One of the must-do L&D startegy in digital era is being creative to explore new ways of learning. Either classroom-based or outsite classroom-based learning are worth to try, but learning in differential environments also good strategy,” said Nora.

So, keeping up your leaning strategies aligning with digital era is a must to expand more L&D strategis in your organization.


Daniel V. Lie
President/Global Chief Executive

Daniel is a very prominent figure in Indonesia's digital learning sector.

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