Importance of Learning Culture
digimers, can you Imagine a working environment where everyone – from the CEO to the internship employees – all are empowered to pursue continual learning opportunities, not just to improve performance today, but also to evolve their skills to meet the competencies of tomorrow? Such organization is definitely going places, especially in this dynamic era that requires utmost capabilities to constantly transform and adapt.
It’s not always a piece of cake, especially if your organization comes from a brick-and-mortar legacy that still evolves in the midst of Industrial Revolution 4.0. This is where a good learning culture comes in handy!
Worries not, digima ASIA is a specialist in assisting your organization’s learning path. Founded in 2016 by an all-star team of digital learning industry veterans combined with passion-driven creative talents, digima ASIA is both pioneer and leader of digital content and learning solution company in Indonesia. We create personalized immerse content to develop individuals’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In the long term, digima ASIA aims to transform the way people learn by using digital learning platform and its immersive content.
So, are you in? Chat with us now for more information!
Daniel V. Lie
President/Global Chief Executive
Daniel is a very prominent figure in Indonesia's digital learning sector.